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Questions and answers:

Anatoli Petkov asks: How similar are the Kazakh and Kyrgyz languages?
Expert's answer:
The Kazakh and Kyrgyz languages are very similar to each other, more than 90% of the basic words are common. The difference lies mainly in pronunciation. The pronunciation of the Kazakhs is softer, closer to the Russian, and the Kyrgyz pronounce the words more firmly. In addition, most of the phrases the Kyrgyz pronounce on exhalation.
Emily asks: I'm in love with a Kazakh guy and would like to marry him. Unfortunately I cannot speak neither Kazakh nor Russian. Which language should I choose to learn if I want to stay in Kazakh.
Expert's answer:
I think, learning Russian would be a better choice as Russian is not only the main language of communication in Kazakhstan, but it is also the main language of communication in many neighboring countries (Russia, Ukraine, and others).

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