Kazakhstan travel and tourism blog
Kazakhstan features, attractions, places of interest

Archive for October 2015



Grand Canyon in Kazakhstan

Stunningly beautiful Charyn Canyon stretches for 154 km along the Charyn River, 195 km east of Almaty, near the border with China.

People living in Kazakhstan are very proud of this place. They say that it is no worse than the famous Grand Canyon in the US.

Grand Canyon in Kazakhstan, photo 1

Charyn Canyon – a true natural wonder

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One day on the tract of Boszhira

Boszhira Tract is located in the western part of the Ustyurt Plateau, on the Mangyshlak Peninsula in the Mangistau region. Nature has given full freedom to its imagination here. You can see a unique landscape of unearthly white chalk colors.

The tract covers a huge area. In order to explore it, you will need more than one day. This place is little known and difficult to access for tourists.

One day on Boszhira Tract, Kazakhstan, photo 1

amazing landscapes

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