Uralsk hotels

More information about Uralsk.

Uralsk hotels overview

Uralsk Hotel “Bayan”

Number of rooms: 52.

Address: Kazakhstan, Uralsk, Churin Str., 99.

Contact phones: +7-71122-509855, +7-71122-506017.

Rooms: Single, Double.

Interior: Minibar.

Facilities & Services: Shops.

Domestic equipment: TV/Movies.

Security & Communications: Phone.

Restaurants & Lounges: Bar, Restaurant.

Uralsk Hotel “Pushkin” ****

Number of rooms: 54.

Address: Kazakhstan, Uralsk, Dostyk Str., 148B.

Uralsk Hotel “Pushkin” pictures

Uralsk Hotel Pushkin picture

Uralsk Hotel Pushkin picture

Uralsk Hotel Pushkin picture

Uralsk Hotel “Sayahat”

Address: Kazakhstan, Uralsk, Masina Str., 38.

Contact phones: +7-71122-513003, +7-71122-500951.

Uralsk Hotel “Shagala”

Address: Kazakhstan, Uralsk, Masina Str., 67/1.

Contact phones: +7-71122-510892 +7-71122-509855, +7-71122-506017.

Uralsk Hotel “Park Hotel”

Address: Kazakhstan, Uralsk.

Contact phone: +7-71122-14035.

Uralsk Hotel “Park Hotel” views

Uralsk Park Hotel view

Uralsk Park Hotel view

Uralsk Park Hotel view

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