Kzyl-Orda oblast, Kazakhstan (Kyzylorda)

The capital city of Kzyl-Orda oblast: Kyzylorda.

Kzyl-Orda oblast overview

Kzyl-Orda oblast (also spelled Kyzylorda) is situated in southern Kazakhstan. The region is located to the east of the Aral Sea in the Low Syrdarya river, mainly within Turanskaya lowland (50-200 m high).

Large part of Kzyl-Orda oblast is covered by Aral Karakum and Kyzylkum deserts, making it one of the hottest and most arid regions of Kazakhstan. The capital city of the region is Kyzylorda. Kzyl-Orda origin of name: Kazakh kzyl = red, orda = camp.

Kzyl-Orda oblast has the population of about 637,000 (2009) on the territory of 226,100 sq. km.

Kzyl-Orda oblast coat of arms

Kzyl-Orda oblast coat of arms

Kzyl-Orda oblast map, Kazakhstan

Kzyl-Orda oblast facts

The climate of Kzyl-Orda oblast is of sharp continental type and extremely droughty with long, hot and dry summers and comparatively warm and short winters with little snow. The average temperature in July in the north-west is 26 degs C, in the south-east 28 degs C above zero, in January correspondingly 3,5 degs C and 20 dgs C below zero.

Precipitation in the north-west at the Aral Sea shore is 100 mm (the least in Kazakhstan), in the south-west at the foot of Karatau mountain to 175 mm. Agriculture is possible only with water from Syr River.

Kzyl-Orda oblast also includes north-eastern part of the Aral Sea. The only large river Syrdarya flows across the central part of the oblast from south-west to north-west for about 1,000 km.

There are a lot of salt lakes (Zhaksy-Kykysh, Kamyslybas, Arys and others), they often turn dry by summertime; there is curing mud in the lakes Kupek and Teresken. Considerable part of the territory is occupied with sand almost without any plants.

The population of Kzyl-Orda region is two-thirds urban, located mainly along Syrdarya River valley. About 70 percent of Kzyl-Orda oblast population are Kazakhs, the rest include Russians, Koreans, and Ukrainians. The major cities of Kzyl-Orda region are Kzyl-Orda, Aralsk and Novokazalinsk.

Kzyl-Orda oblast landscapes

Kzyl-Orda oblast, Kazakhstan landscape

Kzyl-Orda oblast, Kazakhstan landscape

Author: Ruslan Hisamutdinov

Kyzylorda oblast lake view

Kyzylorda oblast lake view

Author: Eugen Belayev

Kyzylorda region landscape

Kyzylorda region landscape

Author: Zhalgas Ospanov

Kzyl-Orda oblast economics

Rice is the most important crop, and Karakul sheep are raised in the desert of Kzyl-Orda region. Mineral deposits include various salts, ochre, and construction materials.

There are fisheries on Aral Sea and a fish cannery at Aralsk. Kzyl-Orda oblast is traversed by Orenburg-Tashkent railway, and there is shipping on Aral Sea.

Russian space satellites are sent up from the large launch site near Baikonur city.

In April 2009 in Shieliysky district the joint Kazakhstan-Chinese company began working out the uranium deposit “Irkol”.

Kzyl-Orda oblast of Kazakhstan photos

Kzyl-Orda oblast sceneries

Kzyl-Orda oblast, Kazakhstan scenery

Kzyl-Orda oblast, Kazakhstan scenery

Author: Ruslan Hisamutdinov

Kzyl-Orda region scenery

Kzyl-Orda region scenery

Author: е Zavgorodnev

Kyzylorda oblast scenery

Kyzylorda oblast scenery

Author: Marten Larsson

Kyzylorda oblast views

Kyzylorda oblast, Kazakhstan view

Kyzylorda oblast, Kazakhstan view

Author: Eugen Belayev

Kyzylorda region view

Kyzylorda region view

Author: Mukhtar Umarov

Kzyl-Orda region view

Kzyl-Orda region view

Author: Timur Sharipov

Kyzylorda oblast settlement

Kyzylorda oblast settlement view

Kyzylorda oblast settlement view

Author: Eugen Belayev

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