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Questions and answers:

Cheyuy asks: What is the AI policy of Kazakhstan?
Expert's answer:
You should check the Concept for the Development of Artificial Intelligence for 2024-2029 (auto-translated by Google Translate). It was adopted by the Government of Kazakhstan on July 24, 2024.
Monica asks: Do we need a visa to enter Kazakhstan with an Italian passport?
Expert's answer:
According to the official site of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Kazakhstan, citizens of Italy have the right to enter and stay in Kazakhstan without a visa for up to 30 days. Source: Visa regime of the Republic of Kazakhstan for foreign citizens
Stacy asks: Have there been any recent inner conflicts in Kazakhstan?
Expert's answer:
The most recent and large one was The 2022 Kazakh unrest.
Aisha asks: Which countries are the allies and enemies of Kazakhstan?
Expert's answer:
In the 1990s, the leadership of Kazakhstan announced the multi-vector nature of Kazakhstan's foreign policy, that is, the development of friendly relations with all countries that play a significant role in world affairs. Today, Kazakhstan's foreign policy is primarily aimed at Russia, China, the USA, the EU, and Arab countries. These are countries with which the official authorities of Kazakhstan have defined relations as strategic. Thus, finding a balance in the scope of cooperation with these often opposing countries is the main task. If such a balance is lost, it is possible that it will lead to the emergence of countries hostile to Kazakhstan, but this is not the case yet.
zack asks: Do you have any info about the salaries of an assistant professor at Nazarbayav University?
Expert's answer:
I haven't found information specifically on this university. But speaking in general, in 2021, the salary of an assistant professor in Kazakhstan started at about 600 USD per month.
Munazza asks: Can we bring cooked food like chicken, beef, mutton in very small quantities?
Expert's answer:
The only restriction on bringing food into Kazakhstan is its weight - no more than 10 kg per person.
Ray asks: Is it possible to obtain a driving license in Kazakhstan as a foreigner?
Expert's answer:
Yes, it is possible, check the following official page about getting a driver's license in Kazakhstan.
Edyta asks: Good afternoon, I'd like to ask you why silver is so important to Kazakhs? I heard about few traditions whenever one person hand silver as a gift to the other, but I cannot find any kind of information about cause. I'd appreciate your help regarding to my question. Respectfully, Edyta Konca.
Expert's answer:
Historically, it so happened that the favorite material of Kazakh jewelers was not gold, but silver, which, in the view of the Kazakhs, had a cleansing, protective and magical property, as well as useful properties from a medical point of view. With the advent of Islam in the Kazakh steppes, the importance of silver also increased. The Kazakhs have a saying: gold is for beauty, and silver is for purity.
Like to know? Nah asks: How tall is the average man in Kazakhstan?
Expert's answer:
The average height of a Kazakh men is 166,2 cm.
vittorio asks: When is there a bus from Almaty to Taldykorgan. On what days and at what time?
Expert's answer:
There are daily buses running from Almaty to Taldykorgan almost every half hour from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. (Sairan bus station).

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