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Questions and answers:
william taylor asks: How do I get from Astrakhan to Atyrau by bus or train?
Wade Mcintire asks: I am from USA. I hear many good things about Kazakhstan Trains. I am wondering if trains have sleeper class. I will appreciate detail information about Kazakhstan Trains. How many trains are there from Almaty to Semey? What is approximately rent for first class / sleeper class from Almaty to Semey? Can I buy tickets on-line? What is URL for Kazakhstan Trains website? Thanks in advance.
Pavel asks: Where could I buy a train ticket from Astana to Omsk for beginning of September 2012?
Aston Pateky asks: Is there train between Semey and Astana? If yes, what is the frequency? What is the fare?
Expert's answer:
The schedule of the trains running
from Astana to Semey. It is on Russian but you can translate it by using the
following service. It will take about 17 hours and the price of the ticket starts from about 1100 Rubles (40 USD).
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