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Questions and answers:

Red Carpenter asks: Hey my Russian friend, I really appreciate your reply - thank you very much. Which one is more expensive city - Almaty or Astana? Which one is more advance city - Almaty or Astana?
Expert's answer:
Almaty was on the 71th place of Top 100 most expensive cities in the world in 2010. But in general there is no significant difference between them. As a new project Astana is looking more modern comparing to Almaty. Also the population of Astana is about the half of Almaty.
Red Carpenter asks: Hey my friend, thanks for your reply. What is main language in Kazakhstan - Russian or Kazakh? Do you guys fly or board train? Can I drive with my US driver license? Is it safe to drive? Do you have big highways?
Expert's answer:
The state language of Kazakhstan is Kazakh but Russian language also has the status of the official one (about 25% of the population are Russians). The trains network is more developed comparing to flights and much more cheaper. You can drive with your US driving license if you have notarized translation of it into Russian or Kazakh language. The quality of the highways and local roads is not high. About safety, in 2010 there were 12,008 road accidents registered, 2,797 people died, 2,809 people injured.
Red Carpenter asks: Do you the movie Borat? In US, we are just wondering if Kazakhstan is really that much backward from western world. My company wants me to work in Kazakhstan and I am little nervous. Do you guys have high speed internet? Do you guys have ample fresh drinking water? Do you guys understand English?
Expert's answer:
It is not that much backward from western world. It is looking like Russia in many ways (a lot of resources, large territory, authoritarian regime etc.). There is access to internet almost everywhere but the speed is not very high comparing to western Europe or US. The variety of goods in the local stores is large including the drinking water. Not a lot of people can speak English except the young generation.

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