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Questions and answers:

Red Carpenter asks: Hey my Russian friend, in US we are getting 6 MBPS highspeed internet connection as an average. We may also get 15 Mbps for few dollars more. What is the average speed of internet connection in Kazakhstan? What is the average per month charges for internet connection?
Expert's answer:
The speed of the Internet depends on the city, here is the 8 Mbps tariff in Almaty for about 40 USD per month. The following service to translate from Russian.
Keith Neil asks: Do you guys have any online shopping web sites in Kazakhstan?
Expert's answer:
There are a lot of online shops available in Kazakhstan, here are some of them: HomeShop.kz, Flip.kz, Kupitut.kz.
Dave asks: What is internet price per month in Semey? What is the internet speed in Semey?
Expert's answer:
According to the price I have found Internet access for 1 month costs about 140 USD for 1 gigabyte of traffic.
Dave asks: Please reply me about Internet Services available in Almaty. How much is charge for Internet Services? If any wireless pre-paid service available? What is the speed of Internet?
Expert's answer:
Here is the list of Internet providers operating in Almaty. The info is on Russian but you can translate any page by using the following service.

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