Akkol city, Kazakhstan

The city of Akmola oblast.

Akkol overview

Akkol (former Alekseyevka) is a town located in Akmola oblast (region) of Kazakhstan, administrative center of Akkol district.

The word “akkol” from Kazakh people language means “white lake”. The town is situated near the lake Akkol.

Akkol population is about 13,000 (2009).

Akkol phone code - +7-71638; postal code - 020100.

Akkol city coat of arms

Akkol city coat of arms

Akkol city map, Kazakhstan

Akkol facts

Akkol was founded in 1887. In 1965 the settlement received city status. Before 1997 the city had name Alekseyevka. Akkol city is a railway station on Petropavl - Astana railroad line.

There are railway transportation enterprises, brickyard, creamery, furniture factory and some others in Akkol city.

The national composition of Akkol city population is the following: Russians (39%), Kazakhs (39%), Ukrainians (6.5%).

Akkol city of Kazakhstan photos

Akkol views

Akkol city, Kazakhstan view

Akkol city, Kazakhstan view

Author: unknown

Akkol city, Kazakhstan view

Akkol city, Kazakhstan view

Author: unknown

Akkol city, Kazakhstan view

Akkol city, Kazakhstan view

Author: unknown

Akkol sceneries

Akkol city, Kazakhstan scenery

Akkol city, Kazakhstan scenery

Author: unknown

Akkol city, Kazakhstan scenery

Akkol city, Kazakhstan scenery

Author: unknown

Akkol city, Kazakhstan scenery

Akkol city, Kazakhstan scenery

Author: unknown

Akkol places

Akkol city entrance sign

Akkol city entrance sign

Author: unknown

Akkol city kindergarten

Akkol city kindergarten

Author: unknown

Akkol city post office

Akkol city post office

Author: unknown

Akkol pictures

Akkol city court house

Akkol city court house

Author: unknown

Akkol city TV tower

Akkol city TV tower

Author: unknown

Akkol city churches

Akkol city church

Akkol city church

Author: unknown

Akkol city, Kazakhstan church

Akkol city, Kazakhstan church

Author: unknown

Akkol mosques

Akkol city mosque

Akkol city mosque

Author: unknown

Akkol city mosque view

Akkol city mosque view

Author: unknown

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