Kentau city, Kazakhstan

Kentau overview

Kentau is a city located in South Kazakhstan oblast (region) of Kazakhstan. Kentau city is situated near Karatau mountains about 30 km northeast of Turkestan city and 225 km from Shymkent city.

Kentau population is about 58,000 (2009).

Kentau phone code - +7 72536; postal code - 160400.

Kentau city coat of arms

Kentau city coat of arms

Kentau city map, Kazakhstan

Kentau history

Kentau was founded in 1955 on the place of Myrgalimsay village to develop Achisay multimetallic deposit. During the Soviet period the population of Kentau city was mainly from Russia. There were excavator plant, transformer plant and well-developed mining industry in Kentau.

At the end of Soviet power in the late 1980th and early 1990th the population began to emigrate from Kentau city. A lot of mines and plants were closed. Today the population of Kentau city consists mainly of Kazakhs and Uzbeks. During the last years Kentau population began to grow again.

Kentau views

Kentau city view

Kentau city view

Author: Alexander Stefankov

Kentau Kazakhstan city view

Kentau Kazakhstan city view

Author: Alexander Stefankov

Kentau city view

Kentau city view

Author: Alexander Stefankov

Kentau economics

At present in Kentau there is the only excavator producing plant in Kazakhstan and the largest plant producing transformers. A new plant was built which produces railway equipment. Gradually ore-mining and processing industry is developed.

It is planned to construct a brick-making plant. On the whole there are 21 large plants in Kentau city of Kazakhstan.

Kentau city of Kazakhstan photos

Kentau sceneries

Kentau city scenery

Kentau city scenery

Author: Safiri

Kentau city, Kazakhstan scenery

Kentau city, Kazakhstan scenery

Author: Safiri

Kentau city central square

Kentau city central square

Author: Safiri

Kentau pictures

Kentau city fountain view

Kentau city fountain view

Author: Goncharov Aleksey

Kentau city, Kazakhstan picture

Kentau city, Kazakhstan picture

Author: Safiri

Kentau city street scenery

Kentau city street scenery

Author: Alexander Stefankov

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