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Questions and answers:

Lynn asks: I can not find a phone number for Laguna Hotel in Karaganda, Kazakhstan. Could you please send me the phone number. Thank You!
Expert's answer:
The following info about Laguna hotel in Karaganda will probably be helpful.
Jack Samuel asks: Please send me list of Hotels with phone number in Semey and which one is best Hotel. Is there any night club in Semey? What is local transport in Semey?
Expert's answer:
I have found the following list of Semey hotels. And here are the addresses and phone numbers of some night clubs. The information is on Russian but you can translate it by using the following service.
Asmo asks: Whats the average cost ($) double occupancy room with breakfast?
Expert's answer:
It depends on numerous factors, here is a list of Kazakhstan hotels with all the info that can be helpful including the prices, reviews of the visitors. The info is on Russian but you can easily translate it by using the following service.

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