Kazakhstan travel and tourism blog
Kazakhstan features, attractions, places of interest



Khodzha Akhmed Yasavi Mausoleum

Khodzha Akhmed Yasavi Mausoleum was built in Turkestan in 1396-1399 on the orders of emir Timur by Persian masters. The mausoleum is a masterpiece of Central Asian architecture representing the architectural heritage of past centuries. In June 2003, the Mausoleum received the status of UNESCO World Heritage Site. The photos were captured by Semyonova.

Khodzha Akhmed Yasavi mausoleum, Turkestan, Kazakhstan view 1


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Karkaraly museum of nature

Karkaralinsk town is located about 220 kilometers to the east of Karaganda at an altitude of 815 meters above sea level. Pristine beauty of Karkaraly mountains and forests, lush vegetation of the valleys, clear lakes – all this is remembered for a long time by everyone who has visited this region at least once. Unique museum of nature is open near Karkaralinsk having thousands of exhibits that reveal the richness of flora and fauna of this mountain-forest area. The photos were captured by Kochmaryov.

Karkaraly nature museum, Kazakhstan view 1


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Flooding in West Kazakhstan oblast

West Kazakhstan region is suffering from flooding now. More than a dozen of villages are flooded already affecting several thousand people, more than three thousand have already been evacuated. The water level in the Ural River in West Kazakhstan to the evening of April 13 was 647 centimeters. The water level in the night from 12 to 13 April rose by 48 centimeters. The water level in flooded areas continues to rise. According to weather forecasts the situation will soon get worse – heavy rains are expected in the region.

West Kazakhstan oblast flooding 1

West Kazakhstan oblast flooding 2

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Magnificent Caspian Sea of Aktau



Kazakhstan Presidential Elections

The turnout in the early presidential elections in Kazakhstan at 16.00 has already surpassed the total turnout of citizens at the presidential elections of 2005 and amounts to 76,9%, said a member of the Central Election Commission Tatyana Okhlopkova. Morning of April 4 the CEC will announce the first preliminary results of the elections. The names of four candidates including today’s President Nursultan Nazarbayev are presented in the ballots. And there is no doubt that the winner will be the current leader of the country ruling for 20+ years already. It looks like the lesson of the recent revolutions in Tunisia and Egypt is not learned well.

And the latest news. One of the candidates (the leader of ecological organization “Tabigat” Mels Eleusizov) voted for his opponent – Nursultan Nazarbayev because as he says Nazarbayev will be the winner of the elections. What a great candidate!

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Pavlodar Pipe and Steel Plants

Great photos of the plants located in Pavlodar city. The places are looking like real hell on earth. The photos were captured by Stepanov Slava.

Pavlodar, Kazakhstan pipe and steel plants view 1


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Kazakhstan Independence Day poster

Wait, something is wrong, isn’t it? :) (from Idioteka.ru)

Kazakhstan world map location fail


Informative video about present, future and key challenges of tourism industry in Kazakhstan.




Caspian Sea Coast in the spring Aktau