Kazakhstan travel and tourism blog
Kazakhstan features, attractions, places of interest



The beautiful sights of Almaty

Almaty, former capital city of Kazakhstan, is one of the most beautiful cities in Central Asia. With its European style architecture, modern buildings and glorious breathtaking mountains just minutes away from the city center it is a great option for business and leisure travellers alike.




A herd of horses in Kazakhstan

Fascinating video in addition to our previous post about Kazakhs being the first horsemen in the world. Almost the same could be seen hundreds and thousands years before on the vast steppes of Kazakhstan.




The first horseman of the world

People on the steppes of what is now Kazakhstan were the first to achieve both riding and milking horses – new evidence suggests. This culture had domesticated horses at least 5,500 years ago.


According to the officials of Astana it is the most beautiful fountain in Kazakhstan.

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Looking pretty good

Central Park of Astana, Kazakhstan reconstruction project 1


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Breathtaking views of Kazakhstan nature

Kazakhstan is known for the variety of landscapes, natural monuments, flora and fauna. The following beautiful photos were taken all over Kazakhstan showing its real beauty. Photos by Voxpopuli.kz

Breathtaking views of Kazakhstan nature 1





Kazakhstan – the world leader in sponges

Kazakhstan is the world leader in production of natural sponges the chairman of the Board of “Kaznex Invest” Erlan Arinov said at press conference in Almaty. According to him “Kazakhstan sponges are in great demand, especially in Russia and Europe”.

Kazakhstan sponge products are made from natural material – the fruits of loofah, grown in Uzbekistan, where natural conditions and hot sun make an unusual fiber structure of loofah – unique skin care product.

For several decades a lot of countries use Kazakhstan sponges made from Central Asia loofah. The growing trend in environmental issues, shortage of natural products shows that numerous people suffer from allergies using synthetic sponges. Kazakhstan natural sponges do not cause any allergy or skin irritation.

Natural loofah sponges




Spearfishing on pikes in Kazakhstan

Looks very exciting.




Kazakhstan monument to the computer keyboard

Giant computer keyboard 5×20 meters made of concrete appeared in Kostanay city this week. The monument is located near the Engineering and Pedagogical University (Chernyshevskogo Street, 59).

The representative of the university explained that it was done not only as a symbol of new technologies in teaching, but also as a means to prevent disorderly parking. Earlier this place was the lawn, where a lot of people preferred to put their cars. Now this issue is resolved, according to the teachers of the university (photos by news.nur.kz)

Kostanay keyboard monument, Kazakhstan view 1


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The following nice photos were taken in Mangystau oblast near the cities of Aktau and Beyneu. Unfortunately the author of the photos is unknown.

Mangystau oblast, Kazakhstan landscape 1

