Kazakhstan travel and tourism blog
Kazakhstan features, attractions, places of interest

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Almaty – the view from above

Almaty is the largest city in Kazakhstan with a population of about 1.8 million people. From 1991 to 1997, it was the capital of the country. The city is located in an intermountain depression at the foot of the mountains of Zailiysky Alatau in the extreme south-east of the republic.

The following photos of Almaty were taken at different times of the day and the year from the foothills surrounding the city and Almaty skyscrapers. The author of the photos published on voxpopuli.kz is the famous Kazakhstan photographer Maxim Zolotukhin.

Almaty - the view from above, Kazakhstan, photo 1

fly over Almaty




Pristine Beauty of the Dzungarian Alatau

The Dzungarian Alatau is a mountain range located in the northeast of the Almaty region of Kazakhstan, between the Ili River and Lake Alakol. The range extends from the west-southwest to east-northeast along the state border of Kazakhstan and China.

The length of the range is about 450 km, the width – 50-90 km. The main peaks of the Dzungarian Alatau rise above 4,000 m. The Dzungarian Alatau on Google Maps. Photos by: Grigory Bedenko.

Pristine Beauty of the Dzungarian Alatau, Kazakhstan, photo 1

beautiful mountain scenery




Mosque of Ryskeldy Kazhy in Astana

In May 2018, a new unusual mosque was opened after two years of construction in Saryarka district of Astana. The design is made in the style of Kazakh postmodernism and also features traditional patterns and decorative elements. The mosque named Ryskeldy Kazhy resembles a flower bud or a diamond.

The total area of the mosque is 3,695 square meters; it can accommodate more than 2,000 people. The diameter of the building is 53 meters, the height – 26 meters. Ryskeldy Kazhy Mosque on Google Maps. Photos by: Evgeny Tkachenko.

Ryskeldy Kazhy Mosque, Astana, Kazakhstan, photo 1

amazing mosque

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Rocky Scenery of the Arkat Mountains

The Arkat Mountains are located in the central part of the East Kazakhstan region, in the area of the settlement of Arkat.

The mountains are very old and almost completely destroyed by erosion except for separately standing rocks. However, despite this, the local landscapes are very picturesque and attract people who prefer active rest. The Arkat Mountains on Google Maps. Photos by: Ilya Afanasyev.

Rocky Scenery of the Arkat Mountains, Kazakhstan, photo 1

remains of ancient mountains




Charyn – the Grand Canyon of Kazakhstan

Charyn (Sharyn) Canyon, stretching for 154 km along the Charyn River, is located about 200 km east of Almaty, near the border with China, part of the Charyn National Park.

This picturesque natural monument consists of sedimentary rocks formed about 12 million years ago. The height of the rocks reaches 150-300 m. Charyn Canyon on Google Maps. Photos by: Sergey Rubtsov.

Charyn - the Grand Canyon of Kazakhstan, photo 1

magnificent canyon




Picturesque Chalk Landscapes of Boszhira

The tract of Boszhira is located in the western part of the Ustyurt plateau on the Mangyshlak peninsula of the Mangistau region.

Boszhira occupies a large area, it takes more than one day to explore it. This place is gradually becoming more popular among tourists. There are no pre-laid routes, you can go wherever you want. Boszhira on Google Maps. Photos by: Vladimir Mulder.

Picturesque Chalk Landscapes of Boszhira, Kazakhstan, photo 1

amazing kingdom of chalk cliffs




Walk around the center of Almaty

Almaty is the largest city in Kazakhstan with a population of about 1.7 million people. It is the only city in the country with a population of more than a million people.

The city is located at the foot of the Zailiysky Alatau Mountains in the extreme south-east of the republic. Let’s walk through the central part of Almaty on a nice summer day. Photos by: Sergey Rubtsov.

Walk around the center of Almaty, Kazakhstan, photo 1

stroll around Almaty




Walking through the center of Astana

Astana, meaning “capital” in Kazakh, is a city with a population of about 1 million people located in the north of Kazakhstan. It became the country’s capital in 1998.

Let’s take a walk in the city center during the days of Expo-2017 Astana – an international specialized exhibition held from June 10 to September 10, 2017. Photos by: Sergey Rubtsov.

Bayterek – a monument and observation tower crowned with a golden ball, one of the symbols of the new capital of Kazakhstan.

Walking through the center of Astana, Kazakhstan, photo 1

explore Astana




One Evening on the Roof in Karaganda

Karaganda is a city with a population of about half a million people, the capital of the Karaganda region of Kazakhstan.

Today, it is one of the largest industrial, economic, scientific, and cultural centers of the country. Let’s see how the center of Karaganda looks like in the evening. Photos by: Alexandr Kuznetsov.

One Evening on the Roof in Karaganda, Kazakhstan, photo 1

Karaganda in the evening




Hiking in Butakovskoe Gorge

The picturesque Butakovskoe gorge, located at an altitude of 1,700-2,900 meters above sea level in the mountains of Zailiysky Alatau, within the limits of Almaty, is a great place for hiking.

The total length of the gorge is 14 km. At the bottom of the gorge the Butakovka River flows, which is the right tributary of the Malaya Almatinka River. Butakovskoe gorge on Google Maps. Photos by: A. Gornostayeva and Ilya Gornostayev.

Hiking in Butakovskoe Gorge, Almaty, Kazakhstan, photo 1

explore the gorge
