Kazakhstan travel and tourism blog
Kazakhstan features, attractions, places of interest

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You can see these amazing colorful landscapes, if you visit the tract of Atzhal and the Aybyrzhal Mountains located in the area of the Tekes River in Terskey Alatau Mountains, near the border with China (the Almaty region). Photos by: Sergey Terekhov.

The tract of Atzhal and the Aybyrzhal Mountains, Kazakhstan, photo 1

gorgeous place

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Amazing views of Altyn-Emel National Park

“Altyn-Emel” is a state national park located in the valley of the Ili River on the territory of Almaty region.

The park was organized on April 10, 1996. The purpose of the park is to preserve the unique natural complex, archaeological, historical and cultural monuments, rare and endangered plants and animal species, the development of ecotourism.

Altyn-Emel National Park, Kazakhstan, photo 1

stunningly beautiful place

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The trip to Boszhira Mountain Range

Boszhira is a mountain range located in the western part of the Ustyurt Plateau, on the Mangyshlak Peninsula of Mangistau region. It is definitely one of the most beautiful places in Kazakhstan.

Boszhira, the bottom of a dried sea, covers a huge area, and it takes more than one day to explore it. Today, this place is still little-known, and it is not an easy task to visit it.

Boszhira Mountain Range, Kazakhstan, photo 1

explore this unique place

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Alien landscapes of the Ustyurt Plateau

The Ustyurt Plateau is a plateau in Kazakhstan (Mangystau region) and Uzbekistan, located between Mangyshlak and the Garabogazköl Gulf in the west, the Aral Sea and the Amu Darya River delta in the east.

According to scientists, the Ustyurt Plateau is a dried-up bottom of the sea existed in these areas about 21 million years ago.

Alien landscapes, the Ustyurt Plateau, Kazakhstan, photo 1

amazing scenery

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The ship graveyard of the Aral Sea

The Aral Sea is a formerly undrained salt lake in Central Asia, located on the border of Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan. Since the 1960s, the level of the sea began to decline rapidly because of the diversion of water for irrigation purposes from the Amu Darya and Syr Darya rivers.

Several port cities, such as Aralsk, suddenly found themselves far from the sea, many ships were abandoned. Photos by: Denis Frantsouzov.

Ship graveyard, the Aral Sea, Kazakhstan, photo 1

once it was the sea

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Nights of the East Kazakhstan

Let’s enjoy beautiful night landscapes of the East Kazakhstan region.

The following photos were taken in such wonderful places as Bukhtarma reservoir (the largest water reservoir in Kazakhstan), Lake Zaisan, Cape Shekelmes, Kiin-Kirish Canyon. Photos by: Anna Anikina.

Nights of the East Kazakhstan, photo 1

magnificent views




Aktau Mountains in Altyn Emel National Park

Another great set of photos taken in Altyn Emel National Park located in Almaty region. This time we can enjoy the beautiful views of multicolored Aktau Mountains. Photos by: Sergey Terekhov.

Aktau Mountains in Altyn Emel National Park, Kazakhstan, photo 1

amazing mountains

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Singing Dune in Altyn Emel National Park

Singing Dune is a sand mountain about 3 km long and 150 m height located in the national park Altyn Emel in Almaty region, 182 km north-east of Almaty.

It is a phenomenon of nature that has become a popular tourist attraction – in dry weather sand emits a sound similar to the organ melody.

Singing Dune, Altyn Emel National Park, Kazakhstan, photo 1

the place with singing sands

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Plateau Ushkonyr in Almaty region

Ushkonyr is a picturesque plateau located in the western part of the mountain system of Trans-Ili Alatau, between the gorges Chemolgan and Uzun-Kargaly (Almaty region).

This area of Trans-Ili Alatau differs from other parts of the mountain system because of the absence of the forest zone, but subalpine and alpine zones are presented in all their glory, with an abundance of all kinds of mountain flowers. Photos by: Sergey Terekhov.

Plateau Ushkonyr, Almaty region, Kazakhstan, photo 1

tranquil landscapes

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Beautiful Maloulbinskoe Reservoir

Maloulbinskoe reservoir, located about 20 km to the south-east of Ridder city (East Kazakhstan region), was built by prisoners of war and convicts in 1938.

Today, this place is a historical landmark in the field of engineering and technology. To some extent, the reservoir is an open-air museum. Maloulbinskoe reservoir on Google Maps. Photo by: Alexey Maznicin.

Maloulbinskoe reservoir, Ridder, Kazakhstan

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