Kazakhstan travel and tourism blog
Kazakhstan features, attractions, places of interest

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Kiin Kirish, an amazingly picturesque clay canyon, is a unique natural monument located 120 km southeast of the town of Kurshim in the East Kazakhstan region and covers an area of 300 hectares.

This place is also known as “The Town of Spirits”. Multicolored clays, eroded by water and wind, form vivid, bizarre landscapes here. The optimal time for a trip is 3-4 days. Kiin Kirish on Google Maps. Photos by: Sergey Silantjev.

Landscapes of Kiin Kirish Valley, Kazakhstan, photo 1

beautiful monument of nature

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Gorelnik Gorge is one of the most picturesque and easily accessible places located in the mountains near Almaty. It is very suitable for one-day mountain hikes.

To get there you should go to the Medeu ice rink, then climb to the dam, and go about 1.5 km further along the road towards Shymbulak, turn right, and behind the hunter’s house there is an entrance into the gorge. Gorelnik Gorge on Google Maps. Photos by: Ilya Gornostayev.

Hiking in Gorelnik Gorge, Kazakhstan, photo 1

great place for hiking




Sunken Forest of Lake Kaindy

Kaindy is a 400 meters long lake located among coniferous forests at an altitude of 1,667 meters above sea level in the Almaty region of Kazakhstan, 284 km east of Almaty, a popular tourist destination.

Despite the low water temperature, Kaindy is very popular with diving enthusiasts. The main attraction of the lake is the remains of the spruce forest rising straight out of the water. Lake Kaindy on Google Maps. Photos by: Sergio.

Sunken Forest of Lake Kaindy, Kazakhstan, photo 1

very picturesque lake




Kolsay Lakes: a Paradise for Lovers

In the northern Tien Shan, a cascade of three lakes, under the general name of the Kolsay lakes, is situated. Mountain ridges border a wonderful picture. Three high-altitude lakes are called the pearl of Kazakhstan.

They were formed as a result of the landslide descent to the bottom of the gorge when a fast-moving mountain river stopped its running at the dams that suddenly appeared on its way. This is an amazing place. So, if you find the one among Asian girls, then you can visit Kolsay lakes with her or even make a proposal there.

The first (Lower) Kolsay Lake

This lake is located not very far from the former capital of Kazakhstan. Stretching for 1.5 km in length, it is clamped in a narrow gorge. The lake is surrounded by high firs. They seem to have been specially planted here to preserve this paradise. The water in the lake is absolutely transparent and reflects the sky. Photos by: Grigory Bedenko.

Lower Kolsay Lake, Kazakhstan, photo 1

beautiful lakes

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Rock Formations of the Western-Altai Reserve

The Western-Altai State Nature Reserve was established with the goal of comprehensive protection of the Altai mountain system in 1992. It covers an area of about 56 thousand hectares at the northeastern border of the East Kazakhstan region, 60 km east of the city of Ridder.

This territory has a complex geological history. Here you can see picturesque rock formations – geological monuments of the distant past. The Western-Altai Reserve on Google Maps. Photos by: Ilya Afanasyev.

Rock Formations of the Western-Altai Reserve, Kazakhstan, photo 1

picturesque rocks of Altai

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Rocky Scenery of the Arkat Mountains

The Arkat Mountains are located in the central part of the East Kazakhstan region, in the area of the settlement of Arkat.

The mountains are very old and almost completely destroyed by erosion except for separately standing rocks. However, despite this, the local landscapes are very picturesque and attract people who prefer active rest. The Arkat Mountains on Google Maps. Photos by: Ilya Afanasyev.

Rocky Scenery of the Arkat Mountains, Kazakhstan, photo 1

remains of ancient mountains


Karkaraly Mountains are a mountain massif located in the Karaganda region of Kazakhstan, in the eastern part of the Kazakh Uplands. The Karkaraly massif consists of three mountain groups.

The mountains are relatively low and consist of granites, porphyrites, quartzites, and other rocks. The highest point of the massif is 1,403 meters. There are numerous lakes.

Picturesque Landscapes of the Karkaraly Mountains, Kazakhstan, photo 1

beautiful mountain scenery




Charyn – the Grand Canyon of Kazakhstan

Charyn (Sharyn) Canyon, stretching for 154 km along the Charyn River, is located about 200 km east of Almaty, near the border with China, part of the Charyn National Park.

This picturesque natural monument consists of sedimentary rocks formed about 12 million years ago. The height of the rocks reaches 150-300 m. Charyn Canyon on Google Maps. Photos by: Sergey Rubtsov.

Charyn - the Grand Canyon of Kazakhstan, photo 1

magnificent canyon




Picturesque Chalk Landscapes of Boszhira

The tract of Boszhira is located in the western part of the Ustyurt plateau on the Mangyshlak peninsula of the Mangistau region.

Boszhira occupies a large area, it takes more than one day to explore it. This place is gradually becoming more popular among tourists. There are no pre-laid routes, you can go wherever you want. Boszhira on Google Maps. Photos by: Vladimir Mulder.

Picturesque Chalk Landscapes of Boszhira, Kazakhstan, photo 1

amazing kingdom of chalk cliffs




Late Autumn in the Southeast of Kazakhstan

The southeastern part of Kazakhstan, a vast area known as Semirechye (Zhetysu), belongs to the few regions of Kazakhstan with rich bioresources.

Seven large rivers flow into Lake Balkhash – hence the name to the region. The longest river is the Ili, which brings to Lake Balkhash about 70% of all incoming water. Semirechye on Google Maps. Photos by: Grigory Bedenko.

Lakes in the delta of the Ili River sometimes have a very bizarre shape.

Late Autumn in the Southeast of Kazakhstan, photo 1

late autumn in Semirechye
