Lake Tuzkol – the view from above
No comments · Posted by Sergei Rzhevsky in Nature, Photos, Regions
Tuzkol is a small mountain lake located at an altitude of 1,950 meters above sea level in the south-east of the Almaty region, about 310 km from Almaty. The name of the lake means “salty” in the Kazakh language.
The salinity of Lake Tuzkol varies with the seasons of the year. It can reach almost the same level as in the Dead Sea in Israel or Great Salt Lake in the United States. Tuzkol is the saltiest mountain lake in Kazakhstan.
Tags: Almaty oblast
Charyn Canyon in the cold season
No comments · Posted by Sergei Rzhevsky in Nature, Photos, Travel
Charyn Canyon, one of the main natural attractions of Kazakhstan, is located relatively close to Almaty (about 200 km). You can go there by car all year round. Every local taxi driver will take you there for a reasonable price.
The age of the canyon is estimated at 12 million years. Its total length is about 150 km, but the most popular place is the so-called “Valley of the Castles”, the length – about 2 km, the width – 20-80 m. Photos by: lusika33.
Tags: Almaty oblast · landscapes
The lakes of Kensu – a place of great beauty
No comments · Posted by Sergei Rzhevsky in Nature, Photos, Regions
A long time ago this place was covered by a mountain glacier, but climate change led to its disappearance and a system of beautiful small mountain lakes formed here.
The system of lakes in the upper reaches of the Kensu River, on the border of Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan, is located about 260 km from Almaty, in the Almaty region. This is a unique area of untouched wildlife with eight lakes flowing into each other. Photos by: Sergey Terekhov.
Tags: Almaty oblast · landscapes
Golden Autumn on Kolsai Lakes
No comments · Posted by Sergei Rzhevsky in Nature, Photos, Regions
In the south-eastern part of the mountain system Ile Alatau (the most northern ridge of Tien Shan), near Almaty, you can find three beautiful tectonic lakes. They are called Kolsai lakes.
All three lakes are surrounded by pine forests and have rich underwater flora and fauna. The water in the lakes is crystal clear. Kolsai Lakes National Park on Google Maps. Photos by: Gregory Bedenko.
Upper Kolsai Lake (2,850 meters above sea level) is the smallest of the three lakes.
Tags: Almaty oblast
Boszhira tract at sunset and at night
No comments · Posted by Sergei Rzhevsky in Nature, Photos, Regions
Boszhira tract is located in the western part of the Ustyurt Plateau, on Mangyshlak Peninsula in the Mangistau region. The highway Necropolis Becket-Ata – Zhanaozen passes about 20 km from the tract.
As the tract covers a huge area, it will take more than one day to explore it. This place is little known and inaccessible to tourists. Everything is white here – canyons, peaks, mountains-towers, mountains-castles, mountains-yurts, etc.
Tags: Mangystau oblast
Snowy summer on Assy-Turgen mountain plateau
No comments · Posted by Sergei Rzhevsky in Nature, Regions, Travel
Assy-Turgen is a mountain plateau located at an altitude of about 2,650 meters above sea level, in the Assy River valley, 100 km east of Almaty.
In addition to the picturesque alpine views this place is known for the Assy-Turgen observatory located here. Let’s go on a trip to this plateau and see how it looks in the middle of summer, in late June. Assy plateau on Google Maps. Photos by: Denis Frantsouzov.
Tags: Almaty oblast · landscapes
Let’s take a walk through the streets of Taldykorgan
No comments · Posted by Sergei Rzhevsky in Cities, Photos, Travel
Taldykorgan is a city located in the Almaty region having the status of the regional center. It is the center of Semirechye (“seven rivers”) area. The distance from Taldykorgan to Almaty is 271 km.
The city stands on the Karatal River, at the foothills of the Jungar Alatau, at an altitude of 602 meters above sea level. “Taldykorgan” means “a hill surrounded by willows.” The city’s population is about 138,000 people. Photos by: Rinna Lee for voxpopuli.kz
Tags: Taldykorgan city
The beauty of the lakes Alakol and Balkhash
No comments · Posted by Sergei Rzhevsky in Nature, Photos, Regions
Alakol in Kazakh means “multi-colored lake.” It is situated on the border of the east and southeast of Kazakhstan. In the south-western part its water is clean and very clear, in the north-east – the water is muddy.
The lake water is strongly mineralized and is considered therapeutic. The length of the lake is 104 kilometers, the maximum width – 52 kilometers, the depth – 54 meters. Lake Alakol on Google Maps. Photos by: Grigoriy Bedenko.
Tags: Almaty oblast · East Kazakhstan oblast
Beautiful scenery around Lake Tuzkol
No comments · Posted by Sergei Rzhevsky in Nature, Photos, Regions
Tuzkol is the saltiest mountain lake in Kazakhstan, located in the south-east of the Almaty region, in Raiymbeksky district, about 310 km from Almaty.
The lake is quite large – the length is 5 km and the width in some places reaches 1 km. The water is very salty, but the level of salinity changes with the seasons. The maximum value is up to 300 g per liter. For comparison: in the Dead Sea, the concentration of salt is about 340-350 g per liter.
Tags: Almaty oblast · landscapes
Boszhira tract – unearthly landscape in white tones
No comments · Posted by Sergei Rzhevsky in Nature, Travel
The tract of Boszhira, a mountain range located in the center of the Mangystau region, occupies a large area. It takes more than one day to explore this place.
This area is known for its amazing unearthly landscape in white chalk tones. Boszhira is little known and difficult to access for tourists. Travel to Boszhira usually consists of two parts: hiking and road trips.
Tags: Mangystau oblast