Picturesque Scenery of Aktolagay
No comments · Posted by Sergei Rzhevsky in Nature, Photos, Regions
Aktolagay, a snow-white mountain range almost 50 km long and about 10 km wide, is located in the southwest of the Aktobe region. The unusual, almost unparalleled landscape of the plateau makes it unique and attracts people interested in geotourism and auto-travelers.
In the distant past, it was the seabed. Here you can find fossilized remains of mollusks, bones and teeth of sharks and other living creatures that once inhabited the ancient sea. Aktolagay on Google Maps. Photos by: Natalya Kozlovskaya.
Today, the Aktolagay plateau is a deserted land without roads and housing. Wind and water flowing from the mountain range during intense rains turned the plateau into an amazing natural world of chalk figures.
You can explore Aktolagay several days: climbing the plateau itself, which height in some places reaches 250 meters above sea level, or going down to its foot admiring the steep ledges of bizarre forms.
Tags: Aktobe oblast