Kazakhstan travel and tourism blog
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South-East Kazakhstan – aerial views

Kazakhstan is known as the land of steppes and semi-deserts but there are regions where natural diversity is amazing.

Take a look at the following beautiful photos of southeastern Kazakhstan landscapes. Photos by Grigoriy Bedenko

South-East Kazakhstan - aerial view, photo 1

beautiful sceneries of Kazakhstan nature

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Sunken Forest – Kaindy Lake

Kaindy is a mountain lake located in one of the gorges of Kungei Alatau to the east of Almaty. It is a popular tourist destination.

In 1910, landslides blocked the gorge and soon it was filled with mountain river water. Coniferous forest that grew here was flooded and since then this place is called “sunken forest.”

Sunken Forest, Kaindy Lake, Kazakhstan, photo 1

very scenic lake




Breathtaking view of the Ustyurt Plateau

The Ustyurt Plateau is located between the Aral Sea and the Caspian Sea on the territory of Kazakhstan (Mangystau region) and Uzbekistan.

With an average elevation of 150 meters, it consists primarily of stony desert but there are some exceptions like this one. Photo by Ne Horoshiy

The Ustyurt Plateau, Kazakhstan

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Winter in Trans-Ili Alatau

Trans-Ili Alatau is a mountain range in the north-west of Tien Shan (on the border between Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan) extending for 360 km with the prevailing heights – 4000-4600 meters.

Almaty, also known as the southern capital of Kazakhstan, is located in the northern foothills of Trans-Ili Alatau. Here you can find famous sports complex Medeo and alpine ski resort Chimbulak. Photos by SkorovS

Winter in Trans-Ili Alatau, Kazakhstan, photo 1

beautiful winter scenery

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Wonderful landscapes of Kazakhstan

Kazakhstan nature is rich in picturesque scenery. Just look at these wonderful pictures taken by Constantine Kikvidze

Wonderful landscapes of Kazakhstan, photo 1

amazing scenery




The Big Almaty Lake and surroundings

The Big Almaty Lake is located in one of the gorges originating from the southern outskirts of Almaty. On the way to the lake, you will drive a winding road passing mudflow areas and two “ecological” posts. To pass them, you need to pay a small amount of money.

At an altitude of 2500 meters, you will find the lake itself. Actually, it doesn’t look big. The lake is not filled with water because of the possible dam failure and mudflow that may hit the city. The Big Almaty Lake location on Google Maps. Photos by Vladimir Varfolomeev

The Big Almaty Lake and surroundings, Kazakhstan, photo 1

beautiful mountain landscapes

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This summer (July 6), Astana celebrated the Day of the City. 15 years ago, the city officially became the capital of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

At this festive day, people living in the city and numerous guests enjoyed two main shows. Photos by Petr Ushanov

Astana - 15th anniversary celebration, photo 1

more colorful photos




Hiking in Dzhungar Alatau, Part 2

The second part of beautiful landscapes of Dzhungar Alatau region located in Almaty oblast. Photos by Konstantin Pastbin

Hiking in Dzhungar Alatau, Kazakhstan photo 23

more beautiful landscapes

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Hiking in Dzhungar Alatau, Part 1

Dzhungar Alatau is a mountainous system located in the south-eastern part of Kazakhstan, stretching from the west – southwest to the east – northeast for almost 400 kilometers along the border with China.

It is a beautiful region of several geographical landscapes. It should be noted that these places are close enough to Almaty, Kazakhstan’s largest city, and at the same time are rarely visited by tourists. Photos by Konstantin Pastbin

Hiking in Dzhungar Alatau, Kazakhstan photo 1

explore the mountainous landscapes

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One of the Largest Coal Mines in Kazakhstan

The main source of economic growth in Kazakhstan is the extraction of various natural resources, including coal. Coal mine “Molodezhny” located near Karaganda is among the largest coal producers of the country.

Annual production is about 7 million tons of coal a year. BelAZ trucks (capacity up to 130 tons) are used to transport coal. 1,150 people are working here; the average wage is about $ 300 a month. Coal mine “Molodezhny” location on Google Maps. Photos by Vadim Makhorov

Coal Mine Molodezhny, Karaganda, Kazakhstan photo 1

How coal is mined in Kazakhstan
